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Privacy statement

1. Why this privacy statement?

The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw attaches great importance to the protection of your privacy and personal data. We only use your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Act and other relevant current legal regulations. Any reference in this Privacy Statement to the Privacy Act means a reference to the Act of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data. Any reference to the Regulation is a reference to the Regulation of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

With this Privacy Statement, The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw wishes to draw your attention to any processing operations with regard to this data and to your rights. By using our platform/website/application, you explicitly grant your consent to possible processing operations by De Meesterkoks van België.

It is possible that this Privacy Statement will be subject to adjustments and changes in the future. It is up to you to consult this document on a regular basis. Any substantial change will always be clearly communicated on the platform of De Meesterkoks van België vzw.

2. Who processes the personal data?

The website www.mastercooks.be is an initiative of:

The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw

Maatschappelijke zetel:
The Mastercooks of Belgium vzwKolonel Bourg Straat 105 A
1140 EvereBelgië

VAT number: BE0 420 695 235E-mail: contact@mastercooks.be

3. Which personal data are processed?

The Master Chefs of Belgium asbl undertakes to process only the data that are relevant and necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. The following categories of personal data can be processed by De Meesterkoks van België vzw:

  • Identification
  • Personal characteristics
  • Information on education and training
  • Occupational and employment information

4. For what purposes will my personal data be used?

The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw collects personal data to offer you a safe, optimal and personal user experience.

Data processing is essential for the operation of the website and the associated services. The processing takes place exclusively for the following well-defined purposes:

Offering and improving a general and personalized service; offer of information, newsletters and providing support via contact form

The detection of and protection against fraud, errors and/or criminal behaviour.

Marketing purposes

When visiting the website of The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw, some data is collected for statistical purposes. Such data is necessary to optimize the use of our website application. These data are: IP address, probable place of consultation, time and day of consultation, which pages were visited. When you visit the website of The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw, you agree to this data collection intended for static purposes as described above.

The User always provides the personal data to The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw and can thus exercise a certain control. If certain data are incomplete or apparently incorrect, The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw reserves the right to temporarily or permanently postpone certain expected actions.

The personal data are only processed for internal use within The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw. We can therefore reassure you that personal data will not be sold, passed on or communicated to third parties associated with us. The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw has taken all possible legal and technical precautions to avoid unauthorized access and use.

5. We also use cookies!

During a visit to our website, ‘cookies’ can be placed on your hard drive to better tailor the platform/website to the needs of the returning visitor. Non-functional cookies help us to optimize your visit to the platform and to remember technical choices.

For a further understanding of how we use cookies to collect and process your personal data, please refer to our Cookie Statement. (top right).

If you want to consult the platform/website of The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw, it is recommended that you have cookies enabled. How you can disable cookies, on the other hand, can also be read in our Cookie Statement

6. What are my rights?

6.1 Guarantee of lawful and secure processing of personal data

The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw always processes your personal data fairly and lawfully. This includes the following guarantees:

  • Personal data will only be processed in accordance with the described and legitimate purposes of this privacy statement.
  • Personal data will only be processed insofar as this is sufficient, relevant and not excessive.
  • Personal data will only be kept for as long as this is necessary to achieve the described and justified purposes in this privacy statement.

The necessary technical and security measures have been taken to reduce the risks of unlawful access to or processing of personal data to a minimum. In the event of an intrusion into its IT systems, LID will immediately take all possible measures to limit the damage to a minimum.

6.2 Right of access/rectification/erasure of your personal data

Upon proof of your identity as a User, you have a right to obtain confirmation from The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw about whether or not your personal data is being processed. When The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw processes your data, you also have the right to inspect the collected personal data. If you wish to use your right of access, The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw will comply with this within one (1) month after receiving the request. The request is made by registered mail or by sending an e-mail to contact@mastercooks.be

Inaccurate or incomplete personal data can always be corrected. It is up to the User to correct inaccuracies and omissions in the first place. You can exercise your right to rectification by providing an additional statement to The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw. The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw will comply with this within one (1) month after receiving the additional statement.

You also have the right to have your personal data deleted by us without unreasonable delay. You can only invoke this right to be forgotten in the following cases:

  • When the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were originally collected;
  • When the personal data were collected on the basis of consent obtained and no other legal basis exists for the processing;
  • When an objection is made to the processing and no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing exist;
  • When the personal data were processed unlawfully;
  • When the personal data must be deleted in accordance with a legal obligation.
  • The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw assesses the presence of one of the aforementioned cases.

6.3 Right to restrict/object to the processing of your personal data

User has the right to obtain a restriction of the processing of your personal data:

During the period that The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw needs to check the accuracy of the personal data, in case of dispute;

When the data processing is unlawful and the User requests a restriction of the processing instead of the deletion of the personal data;

When The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw no longer needs the personal data of the User for the processing purposes and the User needs the personal data in connection with a legal claim;

During the period that The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw needs to assess the presence of the grounds for erasure of personal data.

The User also has the right to object to the processing of his personal data at any time. The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw will then cease processing your personal data, unless The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing of your personal data that outweigh the User’s right to object.

If the User wishes to exercise these rights, The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw will comply with this within one (1) month after receiving the request. The request is made by registered mail or by e-mail to contact@mastercooks.be 

6.4 Right to data portability

The User has the right to obtain the personal data provided to The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form. In addition, the User has the right to transfer this personal data to another controller if the processing of the personal data is based solely on the consent obtained by the User.

If the User wishes to exercise this right, The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw will comply with this within one (1) month after receiving the request. The request is made by registered mail or by e-mail to contact@mastercooks.be

6.5 Right to withdraw my consent/right to lodge a complaint

The User has the right to withdraw his consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal. In addition, the User has the right to file a complaint regarding the processing of his personal data by The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw with the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy.

If the User wishes to exercise this right, The Mastercooks of Belgium vzw ID will comply with this within one (1) month after receiving the request. The request is made by registered mail or by e-mail to contact@mastercooks.be 



Cookies(Cookie statement)

In order to provide you with a better service, Mastercooks uses Cookies. We explain exactly what the use of these Cookies entails below.

What are Cookies?

In fact, cookies are simply small, temporary text files that are stored on your device during your visit to our webshop. When you visit our webshop again afterwards, we can find all kinds of useful information via the stored Cookies. Will we not see you again? Then our Cookies will disappear automatically after some time.

What does Mastercooks use Cookies for?

Cookies are often very useful for both us and you, because they make everything run a bit smoother & more personal. By using it, we can offer you an optimal experience on our website & even on that of third parties. However, before using cookies, first ask your permission when you visit our website. By the way, we keep track of your Cookie preferences via… right, Cookies! So you don’t always have to accept it again.

Which Cookies are used exactly?

Different cookies are responsible for different things. We list all the flavors for you:

Technically Necessary CookiesVia these Cookies, your browser can, for example, keep track of the language in which you last visited our webshop & what you have added to your shopping cart. Or you don’t have to re-enter the same information every time you checkout. Technical Cookies are necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of the website – these cannot be disabled.

Mastercooks used cookies
ac_AllowCookies, ac_AllowCookiesAnalytics

FunctionEssential cookies that keep track of your cookie preferences, language & country settings or what is in your shopping basket.

Retention timeMaximum 2 years

Analytical CookiesThese cookies are used to collect the most diverse web statistics, such as the number of visitors per page or how you arrived at our website. This gives us a better insight into how you & other visitors navigate our webshop. We can then use this information to improve the website & our service.

Google Analytics Mastercooks
_ga-, _gid, _gat

FunctionTo collect information about the use of our website & to distinguish  who is who.

Retention timeMaximum 1 month

Marketing CookiesThese cookies ensure that you always see personalized, relevant advertisements – also on other websites. That means you won’t see any offers for a dose of washing powder from us when you’re actually looking for a new television. These do not apply to Mastercooks.

Do you not want cookies at all?

This can be done via your browser settings, you can always choose to refuse and / or delete all cookies. Keep in mind that this will affect the operation of our webshop & so we can no longer guarantee you an optimal experience. Adjusting this setting differs per browser; For this, please refer to the respective help pages: